The hidden enthusiasts:
Why this business works
It’s 3 a.m. And somewhere high above the Atlantic Ocean, the passenger in seat 14B is trying to watch a movie they’ve seen twice before. But their mind is elsewhere: On a pair of battered and much-stickered flight cases. Did they make it on okay? Were the baggage handlers kind? Is everything still safe in its special padded space?
“Relax,” they tell themselves. “You’ve got this. Just like you have a hundred times before. You’re good at your job, an AV Pro. If it’s broken, you can fix it. If it’s missing, you can make it.”
But the doubt nags, and the movie drags.
Because they’re an AV Pro,
And it’s their job to think about these things.
ProAV’s secret weapon
Welcome to the quieter side of enthusiasm: The unseen and unshowy side. You’ll find it on Transatlantic flights, in hotel bedrooms, and makeshift studios across the world. It’s in every rigger’s toolbox, every line of projection mapping code, every stitch of every theatrical costume, and every projector Christie has ever designed. Quiet enthusiasm is ProAV’s secret weapon. It’s what makes everyone in this business care about their work the way seat 14B cares.
And what’s most important is that it’s cumulative. This business doesn’t rely on star performers, though it has them — and celebrates them, too. Instead, ProAV’s success is built on thousands of individual acts of enthusiastic dedication. From people who will always go the extra mile or work the extra hour — or 12 — to get the job done and make it the best job they’ve ever done.
The snowball starts to roll
At some point in every show and every event, you can almost feel the snowball start to roll. It doesn’t matter if you’ve worked together before or have only just met; that shared enthusiasm for knowing your stuff and doing it right has become a seamless team effort. So what if you haven’t slept? Or the code’s corrupt? Or a delivery is late? You’re on your way now, and nothing can stop you.
For many in ProAV, they’re so used to working this way that they probably don’t notice now. But don’t think for a moment that every career is like this, and don’t think you won’t miss it when it’s gone. Working with people with a shared outlook is a privilege and a joy, but it’s not something everyone gets to experience. Sure, the results, the creativity, and pushing the limits are exciting, but look around at the people who helped you get here and feel the pride.